Benguela Blue Aqua Farming

The Africa’s First & Largest Salmon Farming Project

The Benguela Blue Aqua Farming project is the stepping stone for a large scale industrial aquaculture cluster in one of the best positioned locations in the world.

And an investment opportunity hard to come by.
  • $400+ mln Equity

    Equity valuation at a full scale operation (debt repaid)
  • $160+ mln Revenue

    Average sales value total for the biomass ripe for harvesting
  • $65+ mln EBITDA

    Initial only processing, branded products sales not included
  • >20%

    Long-term project IRR
    For first movers IRR exceeds 30%
The financial highlights are calculated based on very conservative inputs and generally understate true scale and potential of the project. Actual performance will overdeliver on the promise. Take sales price as the example: $8.1 per kg for gutted head-on salmon has been taken into calculation while prices in mid 2022 had reached $12.58 on the back of both increasing demand and still insufficient supply (and, to the lesser extent, due to increasing logistic costs).
  • 35 000 MT

    Under current Environmental Clearance Certificate . Waters allow for 3-4 times that scale
  • 24 000 MT

    Large but manageable tech and investment-wise standalone site
  • 7 grids, feeder, lab, hatchery

    Minimal self-sustainable setup hedging against major input risks
  • Focus at local inputs

    Feed supply from South Africa; energy, smolt, labour – locally
To provide a perspective, global farmed Atlantic salmon production in 2021 reached 2.8 million tonnes among the majors of Norway, Chile, UK & Ireland and emerging producer nations of Iceland, the Russian Federation and Australia (source: GLOBEFISH HIGHLIGHTS | 2nd issue 2022). At ca. 1% of global production the project won't upset supply-demand balance and will reap benefits of established and expanding salmon market
Find out more about financial metrics and investment options!
Recent Developments
    Why Salmon?

    Marketability: Salmon is a globally accepted, high-status and uniquely positioned seafood item and the largest single fish commodity by value.

    Salmonids have been the most important commodity traded in value terms since 2013 and accounted for 19% of the total value of internationally traded fish products in 2018.
    The global salmon market size was valued at $50 bn in 2020 and is estimated to reach $76 bn by 2028.

    Growing demand for salmon in Asia-Pacific and Latin America easily absorbs 6-7% of excess supply per year without price drops. To the contrary, salmon prices keep soaring year-on-year at the back of salmon demand recovery worldwide and supply still not keeping up with demand despite continuously increasing production.
    Well-established high value commodity – scalable and salable around most of the world

    Proven tech: most of commercially available Atlantic salmon is farmed

    Farmed Atlantic salmon constitute more than 90% of the farmed salmon market, and more than 50% of the total global salmon market.

    Salmon aquaculture benefits from established production methods, species and age class-specific diets and veterinary science that are more advanced for salmon than any other species.
    Salmon is also one of few species for which managers with experience in growing that species can be readily hired.

    Fish farming allows greater control over production processes than do capture fisheries, and it is more conducive to vertical and horizontal integration in production and supply chains. The expansion in aquaculture production has resulted in a steady increase in the rates of per capita consumption in recent years.
    Honed production technology, professional research, equipment and input suppliers, competent specialists and management, clear financing options – all is dialed in for plug-in-play operation.

    The only real challenge is finding a location supporting sustainable and consistent aqua farming. And we have one of the best of its kind here at Benguela Blue Aqua Farming.

    Why Namibia?

    It’s the next "Chile" for Salmon aquaculture
    In 1979 Chile’s aquaculture started from scratch and by 1992 became the 2nd largest and remained 2nd only to "the cradle of industrial salmon aquaculture" – Norway.

    Namibia has all prerequisites to replicate the success
    Conditions that Benguela current creates for salmon aquaculture are extremely rare in the world
    The counterclockwise gyre in the south Atlantic Ocean brings cold water from a current that abuts with the Antarctic circumpolar current to form the Benguela current. Cold waters from the depth also up well as they are pushed against the continental shelf, creating cold, nutrient-rich water masses near shore. Ideal conditions for salmon farming
    • Temperature
      10-16 °C is the optimal range for Salmon. Waters offshore Lüderitz are 14-19 °C temperature on surface, but existing tech and sufficient depth allow to drop the temp down it to the optimum.
    • Oxygenation
      Oxygen saturation levels on average do not drop lower 80% which considered to be the threshold for sustainable development of the specie.
    • Current Velocity
      The average current velocity of 0.1 m/s puts low to moderate drag on the submersible system and is optimal for salmon being an active and free swimming species. It also provides healthy conditions for farming by removing fish water and bringing in clean oxygenated water.
    • Depth
      Moving pens further offshore and underneath the water surface helps to escape waves and to avoid close to shore waters warm and cozy for bacteria, algae and potential crossover parasites.
    • No salmon "siblings"
      Not being native species to Southern hemisphere Salmon has no chances to interbreed and lack of cold rivers won't allow it to propagate and disrupt local balance .

      What's equally important there are no sea lice or other parasites posing real threat to livestock - low parasite loads will result in higher volumes and lower operating costs and risks.
    • Low Vessel Traffic
      Luderitz is far less busy port and no oil drilling leases issued in the nearby water area which otherwise could be a complication and a potential threat to the facility.
    Grown in Africa – what could be a better marketing pitch for organic and traceable food commodity?
    Namibia is one of the cleanest countries globally without massive polluting facilities of its own or of neighboring countries.

    Namibia is already a byword for eco tourism, unscarred environment, thrills of massive and powerful nature. What could be a better setting to market responsibly grown food than this?

    Nutritious and clean salmon from the heart of Africa – Benguela salmon.
    Business context
    Stable economy and transparent rules of game: Namibia not only unique salmon aquaculture location, but a good investment destination
    • Stable economy
      based on resources export with fish being among major commodities making it more conducive to new fish related projects especially those that do not take away from the existing sector but add to and diversify it.
    • Welcoming and friendly

      society with multiple ethnic groups beneficially and tensions freely living together (Namibia among the safest countries in Africa), with English being the official language making social and business environment transparent and easy to navigate.
    • Existing access to EU
      market with fish and other food produce will make it by far easier to certify new salmon supplies to EU. And American-led African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and post-AFOA agreements provide beneficial conditions for African exporters to the US market with origin traceable produce.
    • The government actively courts foreign investment
      thru guarantees against nationalization, freedom to remit capital and profits, currency convertibility and equitable disputes settling. And with Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board lifting bureaucratic red tape and pushing quality investment initiatives forward.
    • Agreements with leading universities
      of Namibia to promote the project among students and graduates to attain bright-minded interns to become high quality specialists in the new sector.
    • Superb transportation backbone and regional integration
      allow for customs and hustle free delivery of key inputs from local Southern African countries. It is especially important for feed constituting over 50% of operating cost of a salmon farming facility.
    • Agriculture is seen as the strategic industry
      Though riddled with harsh climate conditions it is getting extensive initiatives from local government and consultancy and relief measures from international institutions. Combination with smart farming methods would allow to expand the potential and utilize it to the full extent. Sustainable aqua farming is an important part of that potential.
    Ideal combination of aquatic conditions and business landscape
    The site 5 nautical miles offshore Lüderitz has been chosen for number of reasons: Benguela current is still cold enough here to provide optimal temperature for salmon development, there is significantly less vessel traffic, no oil field up for development, and inland there is a modern port, well-developed logistics and business infrastructure.
    Innovasea as the technology provider and contractor
    The project planned to be run on the latest Innovasea SeaStation pens in combination with submerged grids, submerged feed distribution systems, wireless sensors.

    Innovasea being as well a general contractor will secure that the site will be delivered as a complete solution and that all components will work seamlessly and faultlessly (compatible equipment, proper tolerances, synchronized servicing plan).

    Aquaculture is the future that's already here. For the past 30 years it has tripled in the output while wild catch has been stagnant at the brink of natural resources sustainability (and in some cases shall still be scaled down in order not to japordize ecosystems).

    The real way forward for sufficient and sustainable supply of high quality fish and marine produce is projects like Benguela Blue Aqua Farming combining unique environmental prerequisites and efficient technology.

    Stage 0. Scouting and Pre-investment Workup – DONE
    Environmental Clearance Certificate: fundamental feasibility check done
    Farming license: record breaking 35 000 MT/year license fixed subject to POC
    Key specialists retained: top grade fish farming expert with local expertise
    Government and local community backing: 360° support for the project
    Stage 1. Proof of Concept – ONGOING
    Seed investment: see the financial forecast and the investment offer next
    Infrastructure roll-out: off and onshore facilities construction
    Feed conversion, mass increase ratios verified: the 2 ultimate metrics

    First 100 MT of salmon farmed: to deliver prove of live for the concept

    Stage 2. Scaling – PLANNED
    Spanning across several years is a gradual and diligently planned build-up of the all facilities to support target production of 24 000 MT per year with potential for overdrive to 35 000 MT per year as permitted by the license
    Stage 3. Vertical Integration PLANNED
    Smalt hatchery: to secure cost- and price-wise consistent supply of fingerlings
    In-house processing: to ensure timely and rhythmical handling and shipping
    Feed: to cut out long-range logistics, bring the cost down, hedge the risks

    Some of the measures will be commissioned within Stage 2
    Stage 4. Expansion PLANNED
    Branded product: tapping into additional value with eco traceable produce
    Additional farming sites: replicating the success story locally and state-wide
    Complementary side projects: building a diversified agricultural hub utilizing the local potential: Renewables, Desalination plant, Aquaponics, Feed crops.
    Project Financial Summary
    Section 1. Investment and production
    Revenue and profitability

    Sale of products to start in year 4 – it takes roughly 12 months to tie it down to location, procure and setup the basic infrastructure, growing salmon to commercially valuable size takes another 18-24 months.

    Revenue increases following the build-up of pens and grids – adding every pen would add another 215 MT in live weight and roughly 160 MT in gutted and ready to sell weight.

    Revenue fluctuations are due to growth and harvest cycles of fish.

    Excellent profitability forecasted is based on the scale of operations, lack of cost for license and application of the latest technology.
    Revenue and profitability

    Sale of products to start in year 4 – it takes roughly 12 months to tie it down to location, procure and setup the basic infrastructure, growing salmon to commercially valuable size takes another 18-24 months.

    Revenue increases following the build-up of pens and grids – adding every pen would add another 215 MT in live weight and roughly 160 MT in gutted and ready to sell weight.

    Revenue fluctuations are due to growth and harvest cycles of fish.

    Excellent profitability forecasted is based on the scale of operations, lack of cost for license and application of the latest technology.
    Capital expenditures

    The first investment stage requires influx of 3.5 mln USD (thru The Level I Strategic investors round) for laying out basic infrastructure and commencing trial run production of first 100 MT of salmon.

    Based on key operational metrics verified and all operation details dialed in the pre-approved long-term loan of 7 mln Euro provided by French investment fund Mirove will be released for further scaling the project to 500 MT.

    Building on that, The Level II Strategic investors round will be held to retain all necessary funding to bring the project to the intended 24 000 MT per year.
    Capital expenditures

    The first investment stage requires influx of 3.5 mln USD (thru The Level I Strategic investors round) for laying out basic infrastructure and commencing trial run production of first 100 MT of salmon.

    Based on key operational metrics verified and all operation details dialed in the pre-approved long-term loan of 7 mln Euro provided by French investment fund Mirove will be released for further scaling the project to 500 MT.

    Building on that, The Level II Strategic investors round will be held to retain all necessary funding to bring the project to the intended 24 000 MT per year.
    Financing summary

    BENGUELA is a capital intensive but very lucrative project. We have elaborated a possible financing variant based on reasonable use of equity, mezzanine and a debt financing.

    All debt shall be paid back within 14 years.

    Starting in 2030 growing and very sizable profit payouts are projected.
    Financing summary

    BENGUELA is a capital intensive but very lucrative project. We have elaborated a possible financing variant based on reasonable use of equity, mezzanine and a debt financing.

    All debt shall be paid back within 14 years.

    Starting in 2030 growing and very sizable profit payouts are projected.
    Section 2. Planned Financing Structure
    Four main partners for structured financing
    The chart outlines a likely scenario for the project's external financing: a combination of founders‘ equity, private equity, mezzanine financing and a senior loan.

    While a senior loan provider benefits from the subordinated financing and is mainly attracted by the fixed interest, a mezzanine financing partner receives fixed interest and profit participation.

    The assets-to-senior debt ratio remains constantly above 2, demonstrating sound financial stability.

    Export finance/guarantees could be an alternative under certain circumstances.
    Section 3. Investment Proposal

    Rationale for current investment

    The investment in a highly efficient industrial fish farming asset running on the latest tech.

    Opportunity to tap in growing food demand and strengthening trend for healthy bio traceable food selling at a premium.

    Early movers are benefiting from exceptionally high ROI based on low cost profile.

    The project is carried out by the team with proven track record of delivered capital intensive startups and with business experience in Namibia.

    All preparatory work is done, the project has a green light for commencing.
    Participation in the current Level I round for strategic investors secures equity share with full voting, access to information and dividend rights.

    The equity share allocated for Level I investment round is
    15-25% of the company.

    Investor(s) are seen as strategic partners that co-operate with the management/founders in the development of the business. However, financial investors are very welcome joining in as well.

    Longer investments will lead to higher IRRs given the relatively long investment sans and the expected increase in cashflow and retained earnings.
    Income generation and exit options
    Hold as long-term asset for high income generation through yearly dividends or exit during growth phases via sale to financial and industry investors or sale to other shareholders.

    Potentially more means of trading of shares in the company will be found in the coming years.
    Rationale for current investment
    The investment in a highly efficient industrial fish farming asset running on the latest tech.

    Opportunity to tap in growing food demand and strengthening trend for healthy bio traceable food selling at a premium.

    Early movers are benefiting from exceptionally high ROI based on low cost profile.

    The project is carried out by the team with proven track record of delivered capital intensive startups and with business experience in Namibia.

    All preparatory work is done, the project has a green light for commencing.
    Investment Proposal
    Participation in the current Level I round for strategic investors secures equity share with full voting, access to information and dividend rights.

    The equity share allocated for Level I investment round is
    15-25% of the company.

    Investor(s) are seen as strategic partners that co-operate with the management/founders in the development of the business. However, financial investors are very welcome joining in as well.

    Longer investments will lead to higher IRRs given the relatively long investment sans and the expected increase in cashflow and retained earnings.
    Income generation and exit options
    Hold as long-term asset for high income generation through yearly dividends or exit during growth phases via sale to financial and industry investors or sale to other shareholders.

    Potentially more means of trading of shares in the company will be found in the coming years.
    2030 Future Value
    7th year exit option ($$)
    Provided development of the company as planned, it should generate EBITDA of ca 30 mln USD (average 3 years 2030-2032.

    EBITDA/Enterprise Value multiple range of 6-7 used.
    Resulting Future Valuation: USD 132 - 163 mln

    2031 Future Value

    8th year exit option ($$$)

    For this valuation the planned EBITDA of ca 40 mln USD (for the average 3 years 2031-2033) has been used.

    EBITDA/Enterprise Value multiple range of 6-7 used.
    Resulting Future Valuation: USD 243 - 287 mln
    The project offers multiple exit options tethered to the stages of development with the earliest one coming in 3rd year of investment after the "proof of concept" stage completed and operational metrics tested against benchmarks. At this point the whole project is dialed in to local environment and in terms of inputs and operations and ready for multiplication – from now on the equity value increases exponentially.
    Meet The Team
    Professionals, Enthusiasts and Visionaries
    • Johannes Aldrian
      Founder, Finance & Technology

      Serial investor and facilitator. Visionary.

      The Benguela Blue Aqua Farming is not the first or the largest project carried out by Johannes in Namibia.

      Previous cement plants roll-out in the country has earn Johannes the reputation with local business and authorities and it has provided deep understanding of the rules of engagement.

      That knowledge is what lifted this project from a potent idea to the seed stage.

    • Andre Bok
      Technical advisor, Rearing & Process Management

      Andre achieved unprecedented mastery in complex fish farming industry ensuring stable output of high quality produce for over 30 years despite epizooty, sourcing and all imaginable issues.

      The experience and competencies are further more valuable as the results were achieved within South Africa environment, with local means and supplies making it 99% transferable to The Benguela Blue Aqua project.

    • Ole Maskar
      Co-Founder, Salmon sales expert

      Being in and around salmon industry in Norway for decades, Ole accumulated all the tactics and best practices from the best there is.

      Norway is the pioneer, undeniable leader in salmon farming and in global sales with farming sites and customers distributed all over the globe. If anyone knows how to grow salmon farming from Nordic extravaganza to multibillion business it's Norwegians. And Ole.

    • Thomas Mausberg
      Co-Founder, Namibia Expertise & Serial Investor

      Namibia is a small country with huge potential which makes good business reputation worth its weight in gold.

      Being a permanent resident and entrepreneur in Namibia for decades, Thomas is a valuable contributor and local guide for the project, who'll make sure the enterprise navigates the most optimal course to the planned results.

    Meet The Team
    Professionals, Enthusiasts and Visionaries
    Johannes Aldrian
    Finance & Technology

    Serial investor and facilitator. Visionary.

    The Benguela Blue Aqua Farming is not the first or the largest project carried out by Johannes in Namibia. Previous cement plants roll-out in the country has earn Johannes the reputation with local business and authorities and it has provided deep understanding of the rules of engagement.

    That knowledge is what lifted this project from a potent idea to the seed stage.

    Andre Bok
    Technical advisor
    Rearing & Process Management

    Andre achieved unprecedented mastery in complex fish farming industry ensuring stable output of high quality produce for over 30 years despite epizooty, sourcing and all imaginable issues.

    The experience and competencies are further more valuable as the results were achieved within South Africa environment, with local means and supplies making it 99% transferable to The Benguela Blue Aqua project.

    Ole Maskar
    Salmon sales expert

    Being in and around salmon industry in Norway for decades, Ole accumulated all the tactics and best practices from the best there is.

    Norway is the pioneer, undeniable leader in salmon farming and in global sales with farming sites and customers distributed all over the globe. If anyone knows how to grow salmon farming from Nordic extravaganza to multibillion business it's Norwegians. And Ole.

    Thomas Mausberg
    Namibia Expertise & Serial Investor

    Namibia is a small country with huge potential which makes good business reputation worth its weight in gold.

    Being a permanent resident and entrepreneur in Namibia for decades, Thomas is a valuable contributor and local guide for the project, who'll make sure the enterprise navigates the most optimal course to the planned results.

    All the relevant
    The team has 40+ years strong project management track record in Europe, South East Asia and Africa, specifically in Nigeria, Namibia and South Africa.

    Both on a corporate side for major internationals and in entrepreneurial role.
    Total scale of assets managed to the date is north of USD 500 mln.
    Strategic Partners
    A leader in open water fish farming. Technology provider and general contractor for the Benguela project
    Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board. The Namibia’s lead investment promotion agency

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