Benguela Salmon News

Farming license obtained: 35 000 MT/year for 15 years

We are happy to announce another major breakthrough for Benguela Blue Aqua Farming project (or Benguela Salmon as we also call it) – we are now official holders of a 15 years-long license for farming up to 35 000 metric tons per year of Atlantic Salmon, Yellowtail kingfish and Silver cob.

Under that license we have be provided with onshore and offshore sites to roll out the necessary infrastructure and commence operations.

The license is the result of 4 years of meticulous work and determination and a sign of confidence by local authorities and business community that our team is capable to pull off such a novelty project for the area like this.

Don’t miss out on your chance to join Benguela Salmon as a strategic partner and investor. Reach out thru to find out more.
2023-05-17 11:38